Gluon Updates
September 15th, 2024

Thank you


Thank you all for using Gluon over the past years — it's been an amazing journey and I am so very thankful for all the new friends I have made in that time. It's been an incredible learning experience that has brought me to the present day.

As you know, Gluon is no longer available to download as my own developer account on Apple expired in August (the Android app hasn't been available for some time). Unfortunately that means once the app is uninstalled from your device, you will no longer be able to download it.

Gluon still has some server sided components that run in the background to support the app — this will be shut down between now and the last day of September 2024. That means the special feeds and push notifications will no longer work after it has been shut down — the app might also crash on launch, although it should be A-OK.

I welcome new developers to create for It's one of the best communities around the internet and you will get a lot of support from members. I am also happy to always help with any questions you might have.

I am concentrating mainly on web projects now and do not want to maintain, or create, apps for personal purpose anymore — the landscape has changed so much over the past years and it's been a breath of fresh air not having to think about the gatekeepers (because you shouldn't have to play their games if you don't want to).

Saying that, if someone would like to continue Gluon (under a different name), please let me know — I'd be up for talking and see what you want to do with it.

In the meantime, I urge you to please download the official apps (just select "Show native apps"). I am continuing to work with Manton on the apps and hope to improve these as time allows. There are also some great third-party apps, like Mimi Uploader (iOS), Lillihub (Web app) and Mars Edit (Mac).

Thank you again for everything — it's been amazing.

— Vincent